Salient Features

Stainless Steel 3LPE/LPP Coated Pipes

Ability to manufacture Stainless Steel pipes as per API 5LC with 3LPE/3LPP Coating facility. Pipes can be supplied as per Customer specification also.

External Coal Tar Enamel (CTE) Coating

Ratnamani's CTE plant is designed to apply a suitable Coal Tar Enamel (CTE) on the external pipe surface as per AWWA, BS or customer specified coating specifications. This CTE coating plant is used for corrosion & mechanical protection of Oil, Gas and Water Pipelines.

External Coal Tar Tape Coating

Coal Tar Tape is applied in cold condition on the external pipe surface as per AWWA, BS or customer specified coating specifications. This tape coating system is used for corrosion & mechanical protection of Water Pipelines.

External Painting

Ratnamani does various types of External Painting for corrosion protection and insulation properties which can be applied by brush, roller or paint sprayer.

External Cement Mortar Lining

At Ratnamani mixed mortar is projected against the steel surface of the pipe while wire reinforcement is placed throughout the pipe surface as per customer's specification to add strength. Once completed, water is sprayed as per the curing procedure and customer specification for guaranteed strength and protection. External Cement Mortar Lining is not only durable and inexpensive but protects buried steel pipe for long-term service.

Internal Coating Solutions
Internal Liquid Epoxy

Ratnamani's internal liquid coating plant is designed to apply a suitable spray coating, primer, or epoxy to the abrasively cleaned internal surface of the pipe. Internal Liquid Epoxy coating can be thin film epoxy, 100% solids, two component, solvent free, high build epoxy lining applied to smoothen the internal pipe surface for improved flow and used to provide corrosion protection for the internals of steel pipes This results in reduction of friction and increases flow efficiency.

Internal Cement Mortar Lining

Internal Cement Mortar Lining plant is designed to apply a suitable Cement Mortar Lining on the internal pipe surface, as per AWWA coating specifications. Typically used for transportation of water or sewage.

Internal cement mortar lining is performed by use of a spinning machine, which rotates the pipe causing centrifugal pressure on cement mortar which helps in equalizing the mortar thickness and form a smooth, dense protective lining. Once completed, water is sprayed and ends are capped as per the curing procedure and customer specification for guaranteed strength and protection.


  • Oil & Gas Pipelines
  • Water Pipelines

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