- IMS Policy
- Conditions of Sale
- Contractor Safety Code
IMS Policy
Conditions of Sale
Contractor Safety Code
Any person/ party/supplier/service provider/scrap purchaser/vendor who desires to carry out any type of job with or without material/machinery/equipment at RATNAMANI METALS & TUBES LTD. (RMTL) premises.
To ensure Legal compliance under the Factories Act. It is the duty of RMTL as a Principle Employer to ensure health & safety of all direct or indirect employees and smooth functioning of project activity.
General Rules
Contractor shall take suitable Insurance Policy to cover all workmen, supervisory staff and his sub-contractors under Workman's Compensation Act and submit the copy of policy to Ratamani's H.R./Administration department. He has to revise the policy if validity of policy is over or in case manpower strength exceeds the strength mentioned in the policy.If the strength of employees is within 50 persons, Contractor shall depute one person who is overall responsible for ensuring safety of his employees working at site. If the employee strength exceeds 50 persons, vendor has to depute one safety officer who will be overall responsible for ensuring safety of his employees. Responsible person has to work in consultation with plant safety department.
Contractor shall take all Safety measures to avoid accidents strictly in accordance with Factories Act & Gujarat Factories Rules.
Vendors shall pay special attention on the following.
- Fencing of their equipment, plants, platforms, openings, trenches etc
- Positive Machine guarding (3600) for moving machinery, V- Belt, conveyor system, gear mechanism, reciprocating machine etc
- All portable tools should have insulated handle for operation, proper earthing & guarding mechanism. All portable electrically operated tools to be inspected & certified by our Safety Department before putting to use. Any loose connection/open wire ends/breakage in the wire will not be allowed
- You have to produce the valid test certificate duly certified by competent authority for lifting equipment used in the plant premises for lifting job
Contractor shall provide Safety Helmets, Safety Shoes to all labours. Contractor shall provide other Personal protective equipment like Safety Belts for working at height, Gloves, Face Shield, Welding Glass Shield etc. as per job demand. Contractor has to follow the instruction of safety department for providing personal protective equipments in specific cases.
All waste / debris / empty containers / plastic bags / used packing material / small pieces of material etc. are to be removed from the work place immediately after the job is over or at the end of shift whichever is earlier at designated place in consultation with Project Team & plant administration.
Contractor shall arrange to give safety training to his Employees / Labours for prevention of accident and make aware about standing orders prevailing at the plant in consultation with plant safety department.
Maintain proper House Keeping at the work place.
Avoid any unsafe condition & if such unsafe condition observed, it should brought to notice of safety department immediately.
Do not tamper with any equipment set up/system/electrical switch board/piping/fire hydrant points/apparatus/ lift or moving machine installed in the factory area.
It is forbidden to employ children and under age workers inside the factory premises.
Smoking & carrying match box / lighter or material that produce naked flame, flammable material like Petrol/ Kerosene or any other source which may be major source of fire is strictly prohibited in the factory. Such material should be deposited at factory gate. Necessary gate pass may be obtained if essential.
Do not perform undefined work without proper instruction like use of JCB machine, Crane.
Horseplay / mischief/misbehaviour with others/ commiting violence etc. is strictly prohibited.
Compressed air must not be used to blow out dust /dirt from cloths / body.
Keep the safety & fire fighting equipments free of obstruction as these are required to be used in case of an emergency.
You have to maintain first aid kit in your custody
You have to use company's resource like water/power in economic way.
You have to ensure that the general facilities like Drinking water, W/C should be use properly by your employees. [More]
Specific Rules
Fabrication work
Gas Cylinder shall be kept away from open Flame and Heat source.Acetylene / LPG Cylinder should be kept away from Oxygen Cylinder.
Domestic LPG is strictly prohibited for industrial ac tivity.
Keep Gas Cylinder always up right and properly chained.
Keep main Cylinder valve off while work is stopped even for short period. Only Standard Quality of regulator / Gas Pipes / Torches / Welding holders / Earthing wires are to be used. Damaged equipment is to be replaced immediately.
Welding cables must be insulated and lugs are to be fitted on welding and earthing cable for welding machine connection and for extension of welding and earthing cable. The earthing cable should be equipped with proper holder at the other end.
Take all other precautions as directed by safety personnel / plant engineer.
Use Flash Back Arrestor at both LPG and Oxygen Gas Cylinder outlet of cutting set.
Ladders, Scaffolds & Gangways
Provide safe means of access.Use sound Material of construction
Provide Landing at every 30 ft height.
Tie securely at top and proper footing at bottom.
Provide suitable guard rails or ropes around scaffold.
Use standard ladders with sound steps & broad base. In case of unsupported ladder, rest the ladder at firm structure & make an angle of 30 degree with floor. Tie the top of ladder to avoid slippage of ladder.
Overhead Work
Cordon off the area below the work location.Use safety belts & tie with firm structure.
Do not drop any type of object from height
Openings, trenches and excavation
Take prior permission through digging permit from plant engineering & safety department for the digging work.Excavations exceeding five feet below ground level shall be sloped to safe angle.
Provide temporary barrier by rope or barricaded tape around dig out area.
Electrical Work
Do not allot electrical work to unskilled workman. All Electrical work shall be carried out under direct guidance & supervision of RMTL authorized person.Provide proper insulated / wooden support to overhead electrical wires.
All portable Electrical tools must be properly earthed and insulated handle must be affixed on it.
Provide earthing to motor, transformer and other electrical equipment.
Three Pin plug shall be used for portable tool electrical connection.
Cables used for portable electrical equipment shall be heavily insulated and protected from mechanical impact.
Use of rubber hand gloves and gum boots for operating electrical equipment in wet area.
House Keeping
Keep all passages, staircases, ladders, platforms and work places free from obstruction.Keep floors free from Oil/water spillage.
Planks with protruding nails and objects with sharp edges shall not be kept in position where they can cause injury.
Leaking water taps shall be immediately rectified.
Removal of debris/waste should be on regular basis.
Provide curtains in case of dusting activity. [More]
Penalty Clause
In case of failure to obey the safety code by any vendor, RMTL safety department shall issue the show cause notice in consultation with project head & the vendor shall be penalized with a fine of Rs. 1000/- (Rupees one thousand only). It shall be deducted from the payment due for the job. Contractor will stand disqualified if fined three times.